summer means..

banned in the USA
Originally uploaded by JoeFriday.
as it is nearly summer in my neck of the woods, and having nearly skipped spring entirely (amazing how the temperature can go from a month straight of consistent 44 degrees (F) and rain, to suddenly being 85 degrees and sunny overnight), it's now time to play 'ketchup' on all the good times I should have been having for the last 3 weeks
of course that means drinking a lot and playing highly dangerous games! I've recently acquired an aging set of Jarts, which I intend to use to their fullest until I am arrested (Jarts are banned in the USA due to deaths and dismemberments) or lose an eye. Perhaps I can figure out a way to make them even more dangerous.. perhaps adding fireworks or requiring blindfolds?
that reminds me.. I have to check my insurance coverage
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